Effective and Prompt Solutions to Legal Requests

Kavame Law Firm provides suggestions, opinions and strategies that are enforceable and supported by expert opinions. The Kavame Law Firm takes it one step further than merely solving the legal issue at hand by providing possible ways to avoid any obstacles that might be encountered. Thus, the firm shows empathy towards its clients by finding practical and legally robust transactions.

Kavame Law Firm provides monthly legal consultancy and attorney services for day to day business, agreements, investments and conflicts to domestic producers, brokerage firms that are active in the capital markets, and various companies without any sector limitations. The Firm also provides a wide range of project-based legal services such as due diligence, mergers and acquisitions, company liquidation, etc.

Together with the above services, we respond to our legal and real person clients with effective methods:

  • We follow lawsuits and enforcement proceedings,
  • We solve conflicts with alternative dispute resolution methods,
  • We recognize the establishment of all kinds of companies, branches and representative offices,
  • We identify the legal requirements of newly established enterprises,
  • We submit and obtain work and residence permits,
  • We process citizenship applications, and
  • We prepare legal risk analysis for all kinds of investment projects and different types of corporations.

This way, our legal practices are not limited to standard attorney-client services. We, as Kavame Law Firm, create the appropriate legal infrastructure for the activities of our clients operating in the capital markets and foreign legal entities or real persons investing in Turkey.

Based on our clients’ needs, the Kavame Law Firm provides a wide range of legal consultancy services such as;

  • giving project based or monthly legal advice,
  • following a lawsuit to solve the conflict of the client,
  • analyzing and drafting contracts or letter of intents,
  • giving opinions on a specific subject matter,
  • providing legal advice at the international level to the fullest extent that the modern technology permits.